Creativity Boost - Time for Art

Do you need a creativity boost?

Take time for art.

In the summer it can be difficult to find all the time you need to create. There are outside activities, vacations, errands to run, places to go, you know how it is, it's summer.
Try scheduling your art time is short uninterrupted sessions. Even if you only can find 15 minutes (a half hour is best) use that time just for yourself and create what makes you feel happy. Make sure you slot out time everyday so you will see progress in the projects you work on. You will be surprised when you work with time constraints your ideas come to you quickly and you are more energized to create.

Remember to stay on schedule, and jot down all new ideas that come to you for future inspiration. Store them in your idea box (6/1 creativity boost post), so you always have access to them. You may find the working with time limits will boost your creativity.

How do you find time to create during the summer?


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