Bloggers Are Here

A week ago Alberto lay on an airport floor in Canada, dying. Tonight he is resting well on the recovery ward.

Thanks to all of you bloggers, our tango friends all around the world, and friends and famliy, we are getting closer to getting home to New Orleans for him to be treated there.

Keep praying, and please keep sending those donations.

If his progress continues, and we can get the doctors here to release us, we can leave for home in a week or so.

I will forever be proud to know of all of you incredilbe bloggers, and the next time someone looks at me askance and asks why on earth I am a blogger, I will smile and say because of all of you.

Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you

Mil gracias.


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