Tablescape Thursday - How The Pros Do It

This could be a pretty holiday table - I love the cherub!

The images in the catalog (hard copy and on line) for The Horchow Collection are some of the most beautiful in terms of photography and styling. They have been inspiring visual vamps forever. The table settings are especially gorgeous, and I got to wondering who does this incredible work?

This all white and green could be a refreshing and modern holiday color scheme

In 1971, Roger Horchow started The Horchow Collection, the first luxury mail-order catalog that was not preceded by a brick-and-mortar presence. He sold the Horchow Collection to Neiman Marcus in 1988.

This blue and white table would be lovely for Chanukkah

I phoned Neiman Marcus and spoke with the Public Relations office.

The bird motif is so cute for Thanksgiving

They directed me to Melinda Lee who does their PR work, and she was so sweet. She told me what I suspected, that there is a huge stable of photographers and stylists used on a free lance basis.

The corals and greens are another way to go modern for the holidays

The Horchow look is pretty much on automatic at this point. The merchandise is pretty and inspiring to the talent that photographs the images regularly.

This evocative deep brown palette is so warm for Thanksgiving

I really wanted to give some love to the talent, but no names were offered. I told Melinda how much the work is appreciated, and she thanked me.

Classic red for that special Christmas breakfast

So if any of you do work for Horchow, let me know. We would all love to hear the back story around the photo shoots.

The full holiday treatment! Love the trees and the favors and the cranberries in the glasses!

With holiday table setting on all of our minds, I'm sure many of you peruse the Horchow catalogs for ideas and for wishing.

These aqua banded plated from Horchow are one of my favorites

Their merchandise is lovely, and varied, with something pretty for everyone.

In some places where the climate is warm, you could do an alfresco setting like this

As ever, go to Between Naps On The Porch for more great ideas at Tablescape Thursday HERE

And don't forget to enter your table setting in Christiane's contest with great prizes from Dwell Studio HERE


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